Slide Background
Lending a helping hand to poor people
If you can't feed a hundred people, then feed one
There is no exercise better for the heart than reaching down and lifting people up

Vision & Mission

The vision and mission of the charitable organization is based fundamentally on emphasizing each person’s dignity and providing them the equal rights and the opportunity through self-development to live a better future and life under different goals such as: Education to poor children, sustain to hadicapped and disabled persons in need, Empowering the dignity of women and voice to natural calamities.



The Mercy Charity Foundation was founded in loving memory of late Rev. Dr. Clement Frank ANTHONY. It is registered and stated by Mr. Jerald Jupiter ANTHONY the elder brother of late Fr. Clement Frank in the year 2021.It is registered as non- profit organization. As Fr. Clement Frank was well known for his pastoral and social activities towards the needy and underprivileged people by providing them financial support, above all to give them the self-dignity and respect to life. Henceforth, the charitable organization is working to provide support to underprivileged students, women residing in the slums/outskirts, financial support to disabled students, basic ammonites such as food & clothes to poor laborers, sustainable livelihood support to women, and medical assistance to the marginalized communities.                                                                                              Our efforts are diverted to make people’s lives better by providing them basic necessities like enough clothing, food, education, and healthcare, that every human deserves.



Caring for the poor and needy and supporting women is a noble endeavor. We provide them the opportunities that can bring improvement in their lives. We motivate them to work and move forward while maintaining their dignity. Instead of tossing money to the poor and needy people, we direct their energies and efforts in the direction in which they can stand for themselves and move towards a better future. By making them regain their self-confidence and self-esteem, we make them use the provided opportunities better.

No One Has Ever Become Poor By Giving

A man's true wealth is the good he does in this world.



We work towards providing education to underprivileged students to open the gateway to a better future for them The majority of children...

Empowering Women

India is a democratic country, where men and women have given equal rights. While a lot is spoken about women’s rights...

Natural Calamities

Natural disasters cause the biggest loss in the world. People tend to lose their homes, belongings, and even their families...


Education helps people understand the world around them and provides the knowledge to upgrade it into a better version...

OUR Trustee


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