dignitary MEMBER

Rev. Dr. Clement Frank ANTHONY was born on August 22, 1976, in Bangalore. The third sibling of Mr.Anthony Cruz and Mrs. Roseline Lilly ANTHONY. He completed his schooling from Balayesu Vidyalaya in Viveknagar Bangalore, and then in his early age he felt the call of God to serve Him and joined the Bhakthi Bhavan minor seminary in Bangalore. Later he was then sent to peters pontifical seminary for his philosophical and theological studies. He was ordained priest on 3rd May in 2005, by Archbishop of Bangalore, His grace Mons. Bernard MORAS. He served as assistant parish priest at S. Patrick’s Church, later as parish priest at St. Paul the Hermit Church, Naganahalli. Due to his profound love for scriptures, he pursued his Higher Ecclesiastical Studies and was sent to Rome to complete his doctoral studies in Sacred Scripture, he also received a scholarship to undertake one semester of studies in Jerusalem, wherein he shined with brilliant results. Later returned to India on October 2020, and he was preparing to be the formator for seminarians and was pursuing his formation and spirituality course at Dharmaram.

Fr. Clement Frank was well known for his special spiritual devotion to Mother Mary and St. Anthony and the profound zeal for the pastoral ministry, especially in the family ministry, the formation of children for first holy communion and confirmation, catechesis for the elders, the youth ministry. He was very profound in his sermons which left a deep impression and the emblem in the hearts of the faithful. He also prepared young couples for the sacrament of matrimony and was in touch with them later to provide spiritual guidance.

He was much appreciated in Diocese, in parishes wherever he was in and out of country. On 12th May 2021 at 8.30 p.m from St. Martha’s Hospital reached everyone the sad news that the blossom and wonderful angel was taken to heaven due to Covid-19.

As the Sacred Scriptures says, “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith, henceforth here is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day” (2 Timothy 4, 7-8).

May he be granted eternal rest in his heavenly homeland. 

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